Can people with astigmatism wear disposable contact lenses?
Yes. In astigmatism the eye is not perfectly round. If the astigmatism is slight, a gas-permeable lens which is rigid sits on the front of the eye and the lens's round shape corrects the vision. In the past this gas-permeable option has often been the first-choice recommendation. An ordinary soft lens is floppy and so when it is in place on the eye, it follows the natural curve of the eye and so does not give it the desired rounded shape. A special lens design called 'toric' (available in soft or rigid gas-permeable materials) does correct astigmatism, and these lenses can be made to correct higher levels of astigmatism than the ordinary gas-permeable lens. A number of manufacturers now produce regular replacement and daily disposable soft toric contact lenses and your optician will be able to advise you on prices and availability.
To find out more about astigmatism, visit our dedicated page.