At the stage in your life when you are likely to have more free time for hobbies, activities, family and friends, it would be a shame if poor eyesight meant you couldn’t enjoy it to the full. Though your vision is likely be changing as part of the natural ageing process, regular check-ups, friendly advice and correct eyewear can help you retain the best possible quality of vision. Eye examinations are quick and simple and we have a wide range of bifocals and varifocals to suit your requirements, so there’s no need to be restricted by blurred vision.
Regular check-ups are vital
As we age, our eyes become more susceptible to certain problems. Visiting your optician regularly can help diagnose and treat these conditions early, as waiting until a problem is noticeable may be too late.
Cataracts are common in over-60s. The lens becomes opaque, blurring vision and even leading to loss of sight if left untreated. Early on, the condition may cause near-sightedness and the reduction in perception of blue colours. Surgery is the most effective way to restore vision.
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetes can cause tiny blood vessels to leak or burst, blurring sight and leaving dark spots on the field of vision. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent loss of sight.
Tiny ‘spots’ or ‘blobs’ in the field or vision are often just harmless clusters of cells and will disappear without worry. If they persist, it is worth checking with an optician, however, as they may be a sign of another condition.
A build-up of fluid within the eye can increase pressure, which in turn damages the optic nerve. The loss of visual field often occurs gradually and slowly, and may be recognised by the sufferer only when at an advanced stage. This loss of vision can never be recovered, so prompt diagnosis is essential. Treatment is via simple eye drops.
Macular degeneration
In older people, the macula – the centre of the retina which is used for detailed vision – thins and occasionally bleeds. This can lead to distortion of, or even the loss of, central vision. The sufferer may also have trouble discerning colours. Peripheral vision remains unaffected, but central vision loss is serious, so early diagnosis and treatment is vital.